A Modern Artist
Ted Grosch
I've been writing sci-fi since middle school. I took some time to work on my PhD in electrical engineering and write a textbook. I placed twice in the PrimeTime Cape Cod Writing Contest, won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense in the unpublished first chapter category, and three times in the Huston Writer's Guild contest. My mainstream literary short stories have been published in PrimeTime Cape Cod and Page and Spine.
I am traditionally published at Double Dragon Press for my hard sci-fi novel Quantum Level Zero.
I am half of the writing team T.C. Archer (https://amzn.to/2Mx7zOY ). We have a bakers-dozen e-published and self-published romantic suspense novels and novellas (paranormal, sci-fi, erotica, and contemporary). Over the past 20 years, I've been a member of critters.org and four other online critique groups. I've been a member of face-to-face critique groups for the past 10 years.
I work as a research scientist and professor of electrical and computer engineering as my awesome day job. My specialty is radar and communications systems. I have worked at two national labs, three startups, and two universities. I train Australian shepherds to compete in AKC agility trials. I even earned two titles with my daughter's pug (search for tedgrosch on YouTube to see grainy videos). One thing I most proud of are the two homes my father and I built single-handedly.
"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"
Mark Twain